StokkersUSA wants to do more for the world through the use of hemp.

Along with being useful for medication and stress relief, hemp can be used to benefit us and our environment. By using hemp in our homes and daily lives, we can improve the world. Hemp can be used for a variety of things besides medical use; fabrics, fibers, plastics, and building materials such as hempcrete, hempwood, and much more.



We see all of these options as a way to save the world. As our company grows, we can do more to reach our goal of hemp sustainability. With your support we can make a better choice.

Carbon Negative

Hemp production is carbon negative, meaning that hemp absorbs more carbon dioxide during its growth compared to the amount created during production, such as travel emissions. Hemp also absorbs more carbon than trees, which take longer to grow and only absorb 1 ton of carbon over 40 years while 1 acre of hemp can absorb 2 tons in only 3-4 months as it matures. This makes hemp an excellent choice to use to reduce greenhouse gasses. As StokkersUSA continues to grow, we increase the amount of acres we use for hemp production, removing more and more carbon from the atmosphere, reducing greenhouse gasses and helping our environment.


StokkersUSA has plans to use hempcrete in our construction projects and in our goal of creating effective and affordable housing. Hempcrete is created by mixing hemp hurd with lime and water. It weighs about an eighth of concrete and can cut down on construction waste and emissions. It is a great replacement for insulation as it can handle extreme temperature changes and cuts down on energy waste. A bonus is that it is also mold resistant! Hemp can also be used to create wood that is durable and renewable. This wood can be used to create flooring, furniture and more. Hemp paper is another option as well, using less chemicals to create the same amount of paper from 1 acre of hemp compared to 4 acres of trees. With the short growth time and less space needed to grow large amounts, hemp can reduce deforestation and help our ecosystems.

Fabric Replacement

As StokkersUSA continues to grow, we plan to use entirely hemp fabric for our apparel & housing projects. Hemp fiber can be used in multiple ways, such as household products, hobbies and clothing. 1 acre of hemp can create the same amount of fiber 2-3 acres of cotton creates. Hemp doesn’t use as much water during the growth process as well, using only 132 gallons of water for 2.2 pounds of fiber compared to cotton using up to 2641 gallons of water for 2.2 pounds of fiber.

No more Plastic

Hemp can also be used to replace plastics, reducing waste and our impact on the environment. Hemp plastic degrades in 3 to 6 months, an immense improvement compared to normal plastic and the 450 years it takes to decompose. Hemp plastic is considered a bioplastic, meaning it doesn’t produce carbon dioxide during decomposition. Hemp plastic can help the environment by replacing common waste items in our day to day lives, such as straws, cups, bottles, toilet paper, paper plates, and so much more. StokkersUSA has the goal of reducing the amount of plastic waste put into the world and plans on using only environmentally healthy packaging as we become hemp sustainable.


Thank you for introducing me to Stokkers! A few drops added to any drink helps keep me calm (I have anxiety issues) and focused. An added side benefit it helps me with clearer vision! Would highly recommend adding this as a supplement to any routine.

Don Mordecai

Stokkers CBD drink additive

A couple of years ago, my beloved 14-year-old German Shepherd, “Nicky,” began experiencing significant mobility challenges. She struggled to get up and was dragging her leg, a distressing symptom that led to a diagnosis of Degenerative Myelopathy (DM). The veterinary prognosis was grim, suggesting the consideration of euthanasia to alleviate her suffering. Refusing to give up hope, I opted for an alternative approach. Instead of surrendering to the inevitable, I decided to incorporate nano-emulsion hemp into Nicky’s daily meals. This decision proved to be nothing short of transformative. Within just a week of introducing nano-emulsion hemp, Nicky exhibited remarkable improvements. Her ability to rise became noticeably easier, and her once-labored walks transformed into a more normal walk. The nano-emulsion hemp seemed to unlock a renewed sense of vitality in her. This remarkable change persisted, allowing Nicky to enjoy a normal life for an additional year and a half. While DM eventually impacted her lungs, leading us to make the difficult decision to lay her to rest, her journey defied all expectations. In discussions with our veterinarian, we were met with astonishment. Nicky’s prolonged and improved quality of life stood out as an exceptional case. The veterinarian, who had witnessed the debilitating effects of DM in many German Shepherds, confessed that Nicky’s resilience was unparalleled. Nano-emulsion hemp became an invaluable ally in our efforts to enhance Nicky’s well-being and extend her joyful moments. This testimonial stands as a tribute to the potential healing power found in thoughtful, alternative approaches, offering hope and comfort to those facing similar challenges. 

Bert Quintanilla.

I have wrestled with the agonizing bouts of gout on my foot for years. I have used supplements like cherry celery seed and grapefruit seed during flare-ups, hoping to ease the pain. A couple of years ago, I discovered a new solution, Nano-Emulsion Hemp Water.

During the onset of a painful gout flare-up, I decided to try something different. I had heard about the effects of Nano emulsion on information from business partners in Texas. On the first day, ! soaked a paper towel with nano-emulsion hemp water and wrapped it around the affected area on my foot.

The next morning, although some pain persisted, I noticed a significant reduction. What once felt like walking on broken glass became bearable. Encouraged by the initial relief, ! continued the treatment on the second day. By the third day, the gout flare-up was completely gone. The nano-emulsion hemp water had effectively cut the duration of the flare-up in half.

Since this experience, I have become an advocate, sharing my story with friends who also suffer from gout. The feedback has been consistently positive, with others reporting similar experiences of significantly shorter gout flare-up durations.

Doug’s journey is a testament to the power of nano-emulsion hemp water in providing rapid relief from the excruciating pain of gout. If you’re navigating the challenges of gout flare-ups, consider exploring the potential benefits of this revolutionary solution. It’s not just about managing pain; it’s about reclaiming the freedom to move without the constraints of gout’s grip.

Doug Hirsh, New York

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"Using hemp for building materials is one of those disruptive strategies that would have a net positive result on humanity, on culture, on the environment of Earth."

– Pamela Bosch